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pruning nepeta walker's low

24-30" tall x 24-36" wide. It's getting huge! Monrovia's Walker's Low Catmint details and information. Do this once or several times throughout the spring, summer and fall, depending on how often the new blooms decline. However, their appeal to me is the foliage, blooms and their toughness. To encourage repeat blooming, trim the plants back by about half after the initial flush of flowers fades. Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low' NEP-eh-tah ex fah-SEEN-ee-eye Audio This mound of lavender-blue flowers and aromatic, grayish green leaves up to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide is great as edging or in a border, herb, or rock garden. TOP SELLER! Catmint ‘Walkers Low ... Pruning. These catmint plants can easily reach 30 inches in height from ground to top of flower stalk, and … Nepeta Walker's Low - Common name:Catmint - An outstanding 2007 Perennial Plant Association's Plant of the Year. A member of the mint family, this Nepeta was chosen for its rich color and easy growing, waterwise ways. That is the catnip 'Walkers Low' (Nepeta). This won't delete the recipes and articles you've saved, just the list. Contrary to what you might think, the name does not imply that it is a small plant, it’s named for a place in England. Nepeta Walker's Low reliably blooms on the seasons new growth, so prune to the ground during late winter or very early spring before growth starts. © 2020 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. If just the tips of flower spikes are brown, cut off the tips immediately below the brown flowers as you see them. Are you sure you want to delete your notes for this recipe? Retains the non-reseeding quality of its parent 'Walker's Low' at one third its size. Blue-green foliage contrasts nicely with lavender-blue flowers for a long blooming window from mid-May through September. Well, not stuck, but delayed at the airport trying to get home and mindlessly scrolling through all the photos I’d taken…, In gardening, we talk mostly about spring, summer, and to a lesser degree, fall. Nepeta racemosa and N. nepetella were first crossed by Dutch nurseryman, J. H. Faasen, in the 1930’s so the plant is sometimes referred to as Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low'. I have Walkers Low Catmint growing in my gardens now for many years. Cut the plants back to the base in late fall when the bloom period is over. Why Walker's Low Nepeta Catmint Plants? Cut back just above ground-level in mid-spring after the first flush of blooms. … Wipe the blades of a pair of pruning clippers with a rag moistened with a 10 percent bleach-water solution or rubbing alcohol, especially if they have been used to prune diseased plants. Fall pruning, especially in warmer climates, can result in a quick flush of new growth that prevents dormancy and makes winter freezes potentially deadly. Shop Monrovia. For a striking border! Plants are hardy from USDA Zones 4-9. You must be a magazine subscriber to access this feature. In the fall, you can cut these back to as low as a few inches from the ground, but you'll have a hole in your garden until they flush back in the spring. ... Walker's Low Catmint Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Sku #6228. 5 5 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star (6 reviews) Write review. Nepeta Walker's Low (Walker's Low Catmint) is a robust variety with dark lavender-blue flowers in late spring and aromatic gray-green foliage. Patent No: PP#23,074 Catmint (Nepeta) Luckily, catmint can be pruned back heavily any time of the year. Soil type. Neutral: On Jan 29, 2007, Illoquin from Indianapolis, IN (Zone 5b) wrote: 'Walker's Low' is a garden, not a … Especially tricky is catnip vs. catmint. 'Little Titch'Nepeta Racemosa is a dwarf variety that is just as long-blooming as many of its larger cousins. Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ (Dwarf catmint ‘Walker’s Low’) will reach a height of 0.5m and a spread of 0.5m after 2-5 years. Soil type. Monrovia's Walker's Low Catmint details and information. Fine Gardening: Nepeta × Faassenii "Walker's Low" (Catmint), North Creek Nurseries: Nepeta x Faassenii "Walker's Low", Perennials: Nepeta Racemosa "Walker's Low", Chicago Botanic Garden: A Comparative Study of Cultivated Catmints. Nepeta are a great perennial for their long blooming, drought tolerance, and ease of care. Walker's Low Catmint is another great plant for the sunny perennial border. Nepeta are a great perennial for their long blooming, drought tolerance, and ease of care. Kokemuller is an authorized substitute teacher and holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Iowa. Chalky, Clay, Loamy. Junior Walker™ Nepeta ×faassenii. Zones: 5-9. With striking and long blooming flowers and intricate foliage, Walker's Low Catmint will add trouble-free contrasts to your garden. How to grow Nepeta 'Walker's Low' Known for its intoxicating aroma, the Walker's Catmint delivers lavender-blue blooms in late spring … Position the plant in full sun. CATMINT WALKERS LOW 50mm Pot. Snip off the top one-half to two-thirds of the catmint's stems, using pruning shears, in midsummer after the plant has finished blooming and when it has recently been watered. Suggested uses. Sensational periwinkle blue flower spikes adorn the fragrant, compact mound of finely textured, gray-green foliage. The plant in my garden blooms most of the summer. Vigorous and dependable, 'Walker's Low' blooms for months on end. Deep lavender-blue flowers and it is one of the most vividly colored catmints. Nepeta 'Walker's Low' (named after a place in England, not its growth habit) is a stunning non-reseeding Catmint selection with attractive, crinkled blue-green foliage and a profusion of deep lavender-blue flowers. She spent six years working in a private boarding school, where her focus was English, algebra and geometry. Catmint Walkers Low (Nepeta x faassenii) is a long flowering ground cover that will provide months of colour.. A classic edging plant, Catmint is a low growing perennial that will display masses of attractive blue flowers on … The catnip 'Walker's Low' (Nepeta faassenii) can grow up to 40 cm high. Many gardeners who are happy, even gung-ho, with the secateurs when pruning shrubs and climbers are surprisingly reluctant to take the shears to herbaceous perennials. Divide congested clumps in spring or autumn. A Great Plant Picks selection. Cut the stems to the desired height individually or a few at a time. It’s that time of year when we dream of all the plants we’d buy if a blank check showed up in our stockings. Named for a garden, not for its size, as it grows to 30". Shear the entire plant back about half, or just below the bloom spikes once multiple blooms begin to decline. Soil type. 'Walkers Low' catmint (Nepeta x faassenii) is one of the longest blooming perennials on the market, providing months of purple-blue flowers.Because it is resistant to drought and deer, this sun-loving perennial is super easy to grow! Shear off faded flowers in June to re-bloom. Pruning and Maintenance. Gardenality is a gardening-centric site made by gardeners for gardeners with tools that enhance any gardening for the expert to the weekend gardener. The name "Walker’s Low", supposedly refers to a place in England, not its growth habit. Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' (Dwarf catmint 'Walker's Low') will reach a height of 0.5m and a spread of 0.5m after 2-5 years. It’s not easy to design a garden…, "As a recently identified gardening nut I have tried all the magazines and this one is head and shoulders above the pack. Check for spent flowers while watering or tending to plants. The organically grown plant has beautiful purple flowers. The 'Walkers Low' is very easy to maintain and can remain and thrive in the same place for years. I have a few mature plants that are about 3 ft square each. Why Walker's Low Nepeta Catmint Plants? Perennials forum: Nepeta Walker's Low. Thriving in harsh conditions, this durable, rabbit and deer resistant perennial plant is an indispensable for use in xeriscapes. Take it all the way back to the next branch union. It’s a beautiful plant, so easy and carefree to grow. Synonyms Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low' . All cat owners know their furry friends love the former, but what about catmint? You can go the extra mile and cut back every single dead bloom, or just go through on a weekly basis and snip back those that are easy to get to. Violet blue flowers with grey-green hairy leaves. They have nice attractive colored foliage that looks good against the thick blue green foliage of the sedums and contrast nicely with the strappy green foliage of the small daylilies in this bed. Take it all the way back to the next branch union. Butterflies and bees also love the catnip's scented flowers. I've found it does better with more sun, though I have a patch that gets sun from about 11am to 4pm and it does fine with only 5 hours of direct sun, albeit it is afternoon sun. Name: Nepeta racemosa ‘Walkers Low aka walkers low catmint Type of Plant: A perennial for full sun that flowers from late-May into July in the northeast.Hardy in zones 4-8 and growing to 2 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide. In fact, it is nearly as tall as ‘Six Hills Giant.’ In 2007, the Perennial Plant Association selected ‘Walker’s Low’ as their Perennial of the Year. If you cut back into the base of the plant, you’ll encourage the plant to bloom again. (It grows to a height of from 18 to 24 inches in clumps that are up to 18 inches wide.) Pruning and Maintenance. You want to do that as soon as the flowers go by. Get complete site access to decades of expert advice, regional content, and more, plus the print magazine. ... Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Sku #6228. Walker's Low Nepeta - named after an English castle and not for its size, this cultivar has showy deep blue flowers on tall flower spikes. Grow Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ in well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Wonderfully fragrant! Synonyms Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low' . Cottage/Informal, Drought Tolerant, Beds and borders, Gravel, Wildlife, Ground Cover, Rock. Suggested uses. Fall pruning, especially in warmer climates, can result in a quick flush of new growth that prevents dormancy and makes winter freezes potentially deadly. Cultivation. Other common names catmint 'Walker's Low' . I have a large number of ‘Walker’s Low’ Catmint (Nepeta x fassennii ‘Walker’s Low’) in the garden. Lovely when cascading off walls or container edges. Soil drainage Walker's Low Catmint is another great plant for the sunny perennial border. I have had good luck propagating this plant by division. Nepeta Walker's Low reliably blooms on the seasons new growth, so prune to the ground during late winter or very early spring before growth starts. Merging color and fragrance in an easy-growing package, the Walker's Low Nepeta is a perennial plant that elevates your garden. Contrary to what you might think, the name does not imply that it is a small plant, it’s named for a place in England. It also grows nicely in a pot on your porch or patio. The flowers are blue and showy, and complement other early summer perennials beautifully. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. Grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10, "Walker's Low" can get up to 3 feet tall with a 3 1/2-foot spread. Jill Kokemuller has been writing since 2010, with work published in the "Daily Gate City." All I … Give it extra water during dry periods. Catmint produces clouds of soft blue and mauve in a garden and is a viable alternative to Lavender where the growing conditions are not suitable for Lavender. It's fragrant, gray-green foliage is fine textured and is a great backdrop to the lavender blue flowers. To keep the plant looking neat, remove dead blooms and encourage the flowering to continue; shear the plant mid-way through the blooming period, and again when the blooms finish. You can go the extra mile and cut back every single dead bloom, or just go through on a weekly basis and snip back those that are easy to get to. Click to see full answer. Whenever you connect with nature, connect with us! (It grows to a height of from 18 to 24 inches in clumps that are up to 18 inches wide.) If there are few dried petals, pinch off the dead flowers individually with your thumb and forefinger to remove them. of the member-only content library. This 2007 Perennial Plant of the Year reaches 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide and is one of the hardiest and most reliable Nepetas. Find a sunny location in almost any kind of soil and you will be all set for this easy maintenance perennial. Butterflies love it. This feature has been temporarily disabled during the beta site preview. Comment About Pruning Walker's Low Catmint really doesn't require pruning. A member of the mint family, this Nepeta was chosen for its rich color and easy growing, waterwise ways. Cultivation. Known for its intoxicating aroma, the Walker's Catmint delivers lavender-blue blooms in late spring … Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ source Named “Perennial of the Year” in 2007, and one of the most reknowned catnip plants, the subspecies of nepeta Walkers Low offers an abundance of lavender-blue flowers spiking above its greyish-green leaves from mid-May through late September. Family Lamiaceae . A showy, pollinator-friendly plant with a growth habit similar to lavender, 'Walker's Low' Nepeta was the Perennial Plant of the year in 2007. Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' catnip. Why I love this: There are several reasons I love this perennial. A classic edging plant for the flower border and just as at home beneath old-world roses where it is an exceptional companion plant. Find a sunny location in almost any kind of soil and you'll find success! 'Little Titch'Nepeta Racemosa is a dwarf variety that is just Pruning plants back by half after the flowers fade, will promote a second bloom and help to maintain a compact habit. As is expected from a Nepeta, "Walker’s Low" has soft, grey-green foliage, a long, repeat-blooming season and few problems or maintenance requirements. To encourage repeat blooming, trim the plants back by about half after the initial flush of flowers fades. Its long season of bloom and carefree habit make Nepeta Walker's Low shine when placed with Coreopsis and Hemerocallis. I predict it'll bloom in a matter of weeks after pruning. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. ‘Walker’s Low’ – Lavender-blue flowers on 30-inch tall by 36-inch wide plants. Soft, crinkled, gray-green leaves on a short, mounding plant. Catmint produces clouds of soft blue and mauve in a garden and is a viable alternative to Lavender where the growing conditions are not suitable for Lavender. No matter how tough things get, this plant retains its lovely low, compact form, soft gray-green color, and in a true display of resilience, it produces flowers right up to the first frosts of late autumn. Nepeta faassenii "Walker's Low," also called catmint, is a continuously flowering perennial often used as a border or a ground cover. Cultivars to Select ‘Walker’s Low’ is the cultivar of N. x. Faassenii I most often see and hear about, though this moniker is a bit of a misnomer, because it can grow up to two feet tall. Cat lovers who also love to garden are likely to include cat-favorite plants in their beds, but it can get a little confusing. Name: Nepeta racemosa ‘Walkers Low aka walkers low catmint Type of Plant: A perennial for full sun that flowers from late-May into July in the northeast.Hardy in zones 4-8 and growing to 2 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide. Other common names catmint 'Walker's Low' . Nepeta is one of our favorite perennials because it just blooms, and blooms, and blooms. I bought this last year in a little 4" pot. Love the plant. Get our latest tips, how-to articles, and instructional videos sent to your inbox. In fact, it is nearly as tall as ‘Six Hills Giant.’ In 2007, the Perennial Plant Association selected ‘Walker’s Low’ as their Perennial of the Year. Genus Nepeta can be annuals or, more commonly, perennials, with paired, usually aromatic leaves, and terminal spikes or panicles of 2-lipped, tubular flowers These catmint plants can easily reach 30 inches in height from ground to top of flower stalk, and … This compact version of ‘Walker’s Low’ is covered from May to September with bright lavender flowers, held in dense clusters above attractive mounds of blue-green foliage. Junior Walker™ Nepeta ×faassenii. Follow. Very good choice for … It’s a beautiful plant, so easy and carefree to grow. 'Walker's Low' grows as a neat, non-suckering, well-behaved plant and blooms for many months from late spring into mid-summer. Mrs. Patricia Taylor spotted the seedling in the lower part of a Mrs. Walker’s garden in Ireland during the 1970’s. ‘Walker’s Low’ can easily reach 2 … Nepeta x faassenii 'Walkers Low' Member $6.95 Non-Member $8.95. Nepeta is a reliable perennial, very hardy and tolerant of all conditions it returns reliably each year. Good in containers, for borders, and the perennial herb garden. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' (Dwarf catmint 'Walker's Low') will reach a height of 0.5m and a spread of 0.5m after 2-5 years. I predict it'll bloom in a matter of weeks after pruning. Cut back after the initial flowers have faded to encourage more. Blooms from June to September. Family Lamiaceae . For an elegant border! Nepeta faassenii. Nepeta is a reliable perennial, very hardy and tolerant of all conditions it returns reliably each year. But that ignores a quarter of the calendar year. I think the name "Walker's Low" makes people think these are compact plants. This compact version of ‘Walker’s Low’ is covered from May to September with bright lavender flowers, held in dense clusters above attractive mounds of blue-green foliage. That will still be enough to keep the plant producing new blooms. Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low' NEP-eh-tah ex fah-SEEN-ee-eye Audio This mound of lavender-blue flowers and aromatic, grayish green leaves up to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide is great as edging or in a border, herb, or rock garden. Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ source Named “Perennial of the Year” in 2007, and one of the most reknowned catnip plants, the subspecies of nepeta Walkers Low offers an abundance of lavender-blue flowers spiking above its greyish-green leaves from mid-May through late September. Leave about 2 inches of growth above the soil line. A classic edging plant for the flower border and just as at home beneath old-world roses where it is an exceptional companion plant. As an aside, the name comes from a garden in Ireland and not because it is short. I have the short Nepeta 'Junior Walker', and it is a pretty edger, but much less noticeable than the taller blooms. Nonstop bloom. Unsure of how far back to cut? Drought resistant/drought tolerant perennial plant (xeric). Soil drainage PLANT DESCRIPTION: Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ … Why I love this: There are several reasons I love this perennial. Cottage/Informal, Drought Tolerant, Beds and borders, Gravel, Wildlife, Ground Cover, Rock. Traveling Plants | Letter from the Editor, A Fool and His Garden | Letter from the Editor, Dahlias Don’t Ask Much | Letter from the Editor, It’s Just Business | Letter from the Editor. ", Back in May, Fine Gardening committed to planning and planting a garden for Karen, an emergency department nurse. Height/Spread: 16 to 18 inches tall, 2 to 3 feet wide. Chosen as one of the five best plants for Northwest Gardens by the Great Plant Picks committee associated with the Miller Botanical Garden. Yes, in the front yard beds with the 5 Walker's Low catmints I will prune them down in bloom if they get too messy looking. Some are weird, some are workhorses we…, It was June and I was stuck in Denver. Lovely blue violet flowers accent the tangy aromatic grey green foliage. Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ is reported to be a chance seedling of Nepeta racemosa and Nepeta nepetella. Pruning or shearing is not required, but a light trim after the initial bloom encourages another wave of color mid to late summer Nepetas … Nepeta 'Walker's Low' Other Names. In my clients’ gardens, I routinely plant Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’, a stunning tidy mounding cultivar that produces deep blue flowers on upright stems. Name: Karen Cincinnati, Oh (Zone 6a) kqcrna Apr 19, 2012 7:28 PM CST. The gray-green foliage is joined by prolific blue-purple flowers from April through October. Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ has lavender-blue flowers with 8-inch spikes. Cottage/Informal, Drought Tolerant, Beds and borders, Gravel, Wildlife, Ground Cover, Rock. Leave the faded flowering shoots on the plants after they finish blooming for the second time in late summer or early fall. That will still be enough to keep the plant producing new blooms. Yes, in the front yard beds with the 5 Walker's Low catmints I will prune them down in bloom if they get too messy looking. 2 litre pot £14.99.

24-30" tall x 24-36" wide. It's fragrant, gray-green foliage is fine textured and is a great backdrop to the lavender blue flowers. Close this menu . Count on this long-time favorite to look great even in hot, dry conditions. Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ Common Name. In my clients’ gardens, I routinely plant Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’, a stunning tidy mounding cultivar that produces deep blue flowers on upright stems. A showy, pollinator-friendly plant with a growth habit similar to lavender, 'Walker's Low' Nepeta was the Perennial Plant of the year in 2007. ‘Walker’s Low’ – Lavender-blue flowers on 30-inch tall by 36-inch wide plants. The performance begins in late spring when a profusion of fragrant, trumpet-shaped lavender- blue flowers burst into bloom over neat mounds of grey-green foliage. Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ has lavender-blue flowers with 8-inch spikes. Like; Chalky, Clay, Loamy. We can plant this perennial all year round, The flowers bloom in … Views: 6109, Replies: 50 » Jump to the end. The Perennial Plant Association has named Nepeta 'Walker's Low' Perennial Plant of the Year for 2007. Its long season of bloom and carefree habit make Nepeta Walker's Low shine when placed with Coreopsis and Hemerocallis. Nepeta faassenii "Walker's Low," also called catmint, is a continuously flowering perennial often used as a border or a ground cover. But in order to get that bloom to extend through the entire season, you’re going to have to prune it back. ( 6 reviews ) Write review and holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the of... Nepeta x faassenii 'Walkers Low ' perennial plant that elevates your garden for Northwest by... By 36-inch wide plants 's scented flowers still be enough to keep the plant in soil! 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